The Get Up Girl

3 Weird Secrets About Money

Episode Notes

Struggling with creating more money than you can ever imagine?


I’m here to give you my biggest secrets about money that I’m getting this year! 


I’ve taken every money course on this planet and have read every money book known to man. I was on a quest to ‘fix’ my money problems. My problem was simple … I would make a lot of money and then somehow unbeknownst to me, I would lose it, spend it or just plain not know what happened to it. It was the, “Where did my money go?” game. I was GOOD at it! 


On January 1st of this year, I MADE THE DEMAND OF ME, to change my financial reality. I started by paying myself first and putting 10% aside for ME first! I don’t use that money. I grow that money to create more and more money. 


In this podcast I share with you my “Not so normal” secrets about money with you. 


Here they are: 

  1. Money is energy! 
  2. The way you show up for you is the way money shows up for you!
  3. Money is NOT logical! 


Universe, Life, God has a billion different ways it wants to give you money!!! Money is not logical, and yet we think it has to only come in logically. No way! That is a lie my friends! 


DM me on Instagram with a “👍🏼“ emoji if you’re ready to start changing your financial reality.






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