The Get Up Girl

Why it's so important to have coaches with Tierney Shirrell

Episode Notes

Did you know that there are two types of bipolar disorder? I didn’t know that!


I am so grateful for having Tierney Shirrell on the show for this special episode. Her and I go deep… I mean deeeeeep…


Tierney shares her journey on how she got started going to life coaches for help and tools to get through difficult depression. She explains the two types of bipolar and how she was able to recreate herself and became a coach herself.


We both talk about the importance of having a coach and investing in the person you are going to become. It’s so worth it.


Listen to this episode and share some feedback and how you relate to her journey.








Tierney Shirrell is a Christ-follower, wife of 17 years to Jeff, mom of three, and the founder of Live BOLD Movement, a ministry, mentorship, community, and soon-to-launch podcast, centered on shattering the mental health stigma and helping women boldly step into who God designed them to become. Through her journey with bipolar 2 disorder, she has channeled it to be a superpower, become a hemp wellness advocate with Green Compass Global, and  Certified Mentally STRONG Coach. Tierney is also the co-founder of the faith-based women’s networking group currently in pre-launch called B.O.L.D. Connections located in Phoenix, Arizona. Her favorite activities include reading, hiking, hip hop dance, church leadership,personal development, and exploring the beautiful state of Arizona with her family.






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