The Get Up Girl

Are You Judging What is GOOD and BAD?

Episode Notes

Are you defining something as good or bad? Are you creating your life from judgment and not even realizing you’re choosing that? 


I’m here to help you begin to get that when we judge something (even if we judge it as “good”) we cut off our receiving. What if we can receive even more by not having any judgment? Even if we think something is “good” for us. 


Many of us are choosing to live by looking at everything we choose as a good choice or a bad choice. We also look at our choices as a right choice and a wrong choice. What if it’s never right or it’s never wrong? What if we can receive from all of it?


For the past 3 months I have been planning and producing a 5K run and Halloween Festival that brings over 5,000 people to one street in my hometown. After the event was complete, I was able to see that I was judging what a successful event looked like. I was judging what success looks like. I was asking the question “What can I choose here that will create the future I desire?” I was judging what I thought would create more and wasn’t truly curious. I was already concluding what I thought was best. I was overriding the Universe. I was overriding life. 


Life has something for me that I thought would not create more for me. I was judging it. It blew up in my face…and it created the future of my desire. It created so much that things blew up after the event.


In this podcast I share with you how I trusted my curiosity and followed the awareness and the lightness. 


Are you willing to drop your judgment and trust even more? DM me on Instagram with a “👍🏼“ emoji if you’re ready to release your judgments. 






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