The Get Up Girl


Episode Notes

Struggling with keeping your New Year’s Resolutions?


I’m here to tell you it’s not due to trying. It’s due to lack of daily awareness. 


Did you know that February 1st is called Calling It Quits Day? By February 1st, most people who declared a New Year’s Resolution already called it quits and 68% quit even sooner than that (According to the New York Post). 


In this episode I share 2 reasons why less than 9% ever take their New Year’s Resolutions to completion; 1) Lack of looking at it everyday and 2) Choosing goals that may not even be theirs. 


After you create your annual 1 page plan, you gotta put it up and see it everyday. When you see it everyday, it helps remind you if you’re on the path to success or if you need to change any targets. You ALWAYS have choice. If a target is not working for you. . . choose another one. But, you’ll only know that if you’re seeing your plan everyday to remind you.


Is that yours? Many times we choose targets that are not even ours. We just keep rewriting them over and over because it’s what everyone else is saying. You’re so magical that if you truly desired it. . . you would have created it already. Check in, is that yours? Do you truly desire that? And if not, cool! Make another choice. 







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