The Get Up Girl

The 1 Thing I Learned at Starbucks

Episode Notes

Are you speaking up when someone asks you a question?


I’m here to teach you how speaking clearly can differentiate you from everyone else. This is how you can STAND OUT ( and. . . you can make more money! Well, probably. 😉 ) 


This episode was inspired by a Starbucks trip I had last week. I sat outside near the drive thru window and I had a HUG aha! Many of us do not speak up clearly for others to understand. Wow! I only sat there for 45 minutes and I heard the Starbucks employee say, “I’m sorry. I cannot understand you. Can you please speak up clearly?” She said this over and over during the 45 minutes I was sitting there. 


And yes! They were speaking so low and with no annunciation…I couldn't hear them either. The way you do anything, is the way you do everything. The way you speak and order at Starbucks, is the way you speak everywhere. 


I began to ask myself, “Where am I not speaking clearly? Where can I speak up and get even louder?”










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